Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Witty Little Wines!

The other day I was shopping in Target and I came upon an interesting new discovery (pause…I can shop at Target! Goodbye Cedar City!). In the produce department there was a display of wines that were on sale that made me stop in my tracks, and not just because I can actually buy wine at Target (goodbye Utah!).  The brand that caught my eye is called the Middle Sister. Wait, it gets better. Each blend has a name too, and I am not just talking cabernet sauvignon, etc. They had five blends on display (all on sale!): the “Mischief Maker” (cabernet sauvignon), “Wicked White” (white blend), “Drama Queen” (pinot grigio), “Rebel Red” (red blend), and “Smarty Pants” (chardonnay).
Each wine had an adorable description of each “Sister’ who inspired the wine. Check of the description of the “Drama Queen.”
Have you ever dated brothers? Worn leather pants to a wedding? Paired white wine with red meat? Then you just might be a mischief maker. You keep us up after bedtime on a school night. You change your hair color like most people change their socks. You make lives more complicated, but less boring. You'll be in the stories we tell our grandchildren. You love trouble. And we love you.”
I couldn’t resist! I had to try some. I showed restraint and only bought three: “Drama Queen,” “Mischief Maker” and “Rebel Red.” All in honor of my little sis J (you know who you are). I will let you all know how they taste. I am guessing they will be delish!
As a marketer, I immediately had to google this clever, little company. They have an adorable website and even more wines, and Sisters, from which to choose. The company has also done some amazing things with social media. Check them out: http://www.middlesisterwines.com.
Has anyone else sampled these witty little wines? Do any of you know a middle sister who fits one of the descriptions? I know several. My mom is a middle sister too . . .

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